Hiking Trails around Maggie Valley

The Great Smoky Mountains is cris-crossed with some of the best hiking trails on the east coast. There are easy day hikes that dot the highway between Cherokee and Gatlinburg, and some of the hardest trails including higest elevations of the Applachian Trail which enters the park in Fontana Dam and exits near Harmons Den. The AT follows some of the highest peaks and ridgelines in the park for outstanding views. The trail can be accessed at Clingman’s Dome parking area on the boarder of North Carolina and Tennessee.
Other favorite trails:
Alums Cave Trail – Accessed from Hwy 441 on the way to Gatlinburg. A steep trail which start in a hemlock forest among creeks and ends at a huge bluff hanging out over the mountain. Its about a 4.5 mile round trip from the parking area.
Rainbow Falls Trail – Accessed from the park loop in Gatlinburg. A steep trail which start in a low elevation start. It rapidly climbs to an incredible view of Rainbow Falls. It’s about a 4 mile round trip from the parking area.
Max Patch Trail – Accessed from Max Patch Road. By far one of our favorite short hikes. The Applachian Trail crosses the bald, but the hike is rather easy compared to others in the area. The best part of Max Patch is the 360 degree views from the top of the bald. Max Patch sits on the boarder of Madison County in North Carolina and Burke County in Tennessee.