Book an Antique Log Cabin at this 130-Acre Christmas Tree Farm in Waynesville, North Carolina
Southern Living Check into Boyd Mountain and you may never want to leave.
Book an Antique Log Cabin at this 130-Acre Christmas Tree Farm in Waynesville, North Carolina

Endless rows of Christmas trees and a bluebird sky surround me as I sit by a pond with a dog-eared copy of Paul Theroux’s compendium of travel missives, Fresh Air Fiend. Fresh air fiend is right.
It’s a Friday in mid-September and I’m at Boyd Mountain Log Cabins and Tree Farm in the North Carolina Smokies. If West Virginia is almost heaven, I have met the angels. Perched from my pondside Adirondack chair on this 130-acre farm, I take in some of the beautiful landscaping, flowers, and more picture-perfect porches than all of Yankeelandia combined. Sure, daytrippers love flocking here to pick up their Christmas trees, but Boyd Mountain also offers some of the best year-round lodging around. With cabins that sleep up to 10, guests can choose from seven hand-hewn log cabins that were built anywhere from 150-to-200 years ago and glint in the afternoon sun with unpretentious charm.